UNLEASH More Value for Your Members

ChamberThink Blueprint by Kyle Sexton, ChamberThink Strategies


Apply for ChamberThink Blueprint, Kyle's new live program


More Value for Members

Clear Value Proposition for Your Team

Increased Revenue for Your Chamber

Apply by October 20th









Make better offers to your members with ChamberThink Blueprint

Why join Kyle's next class of Chambers?

Kyle Sexton is the leading authority on value-based tiered membership structures. Up until now, his system was only available to consulting clients. Kyle's new coaching program can fundamentally change the way you deliver value to your members. Kyle's clients are generating more revenue than ever before, and investing it in the programming their community needs. 

UNLEASH More Value for Members

And More Revenue for Your Chamber

Since 2008, I've worked with hundreds of chambers, associations, economic development organizations to implement this value-based membership revenue system often called Tiered Dues. 

When you offer choices of investments and each package contains something that businesses actually WANT, you'll be surprised at how high they are willing to go with their investment. 

If you want to build tiers, you're going to want to keep listening to learn about the BEST value I've ever offered. 

If you still have your fair-share model -- or what I like to call the unfair share model, charging dues by employee count or other nonsensical data points -- I've heard all of the reasons not to change. And I've heard the tough questions from board members, too. 

One of the reasons not to change is, perhaps, that the idea sounds like an awful lot of work. But I break down that work into four different buckets and twelve sequential steps. The four buckets are Formula, Mindset, Process and Approach. 

Formula allows us to not have to guess. Formula means we have predictable steps and predictable outcomes. Formula says this goes here and that does not. When we apply the formula, we know where the gaps are -- and when to STOP adding value. 

Mindset helps us to make better decisions. Mindset is the small hinges that swing really big doors. Mindset will help you stay on a profitable path. 

Process is a series of steps to get from here to there. Processes have timelines. Processes have scripts. Processes can be delegated, assigned and applied.

The Approach is where your Formula, Mindset and Process are introduced to a member. The approach allows a member to see the new options for the first time and guides them to the place that's right for them -- based on their choice rather than you telling them how much to pay. 

These steps make changing to tiers LESS work than what other organizations have gone through when attempting to do it on their own. 

Building more value requires a plan and that's why I'm inviting you to apply for my program called ChamberThink Blueprint. 

Here's what you get:

  1. Instant access to my video tutorials so you can get started right away
  2. The ChamberThink Blueprint itself -- a workbook that we will walk through together
  3. A LIVE nationwide Build Day on Thursday November 9th, Noon to 5pm Eastern Time
  4. Another LIVE training day -- Launch Planning Day -- will be November 30th
  5. You get my Million Dollar Menu
  6. You get Upgrade Training and support via monthly coaching calls -- you get to choose: 6 months or unlimited
  7. You get to participate in a group with other chambers who are doing the same as you, at the same time.

My consulting clients invest as much as $25,000 for these resources, but this isn't consulting. When I do a consulting project, we talk about everything from staff structure and roles to programs and brand... everything. But this is different. It's not consulting.

It's a coaching program in different stages where, together, we will focus on the pricing formula, the value formula and menu format that will finally pull you up from the fair-share model that has been holding you down. 

And because it's not consulting you can have access to these resources at a fraction of the cost of consulting. 

If this sounds interesting to you, I'm inviting you to apply now.

Now, the information I'm asking for in your application isn't complicated. It's basic information about your organization and what you're trying to accomplish so that I can start preparing the best resources for your specific needs. The application is not commitment from you to join the class, it's just the first step in the process. My invitation to apply for the class is not a guarantee that you'll be accepted into the course, but again, it's a first step so that I can find out how I can help you the best.

You'll want to pay attention to the Registration Deadline posted on this page. The video training resources will be released starting in just a few days. Click on the registration button to answer a few questions about where you are right now and where you want to be. I'll be reviewing each application personally and then reach out to you about your next step if you qualify. 

To elevate your Chamber’s value and drive more revenue, here’s how it works: 

  1. Tell me about you and your Chamber in the application

  2. Book a time in October to have our private onboarding session where you and your team can ask questions

  3. Block Thursdays, November 9th and 30th for you and your staff... Noon to 5pm Eastern Time.

Apply to join ChamberThink Blueprint today.

So you can stop worrying about not having the resources your community needs to solve their most significant problems, or delaying your chamber’s dream projects that you know can make your community thrive, or experiencing the high churn of members who leave your organization because they’ve stopped receiving value. Instead, build better relationships with influential members who want to partner with you on your big dream projects, watch as member engagement and experience skyrocket from the increased value, and become the advocate for solving your region’s most challenging problems with other business leaders just like you. 

Apply to Join ChamberThink Blueprint

"We made the move with the help of Kyle Sexton"

No one has helped more Chambers deliver more value to their members


"When we show them what we have..."

"Everyone has said this is soooo much better than what we had. I can't think of a single member who hasn't upgraded significantly."


"Not that I didn't trust you, Kyle..."

"We're up $50,000 in our first six months. All hail Kyle -- that's all I can say. Do it. Do it. Do it! "


Good morning Kyle, a quick update:

$82,000 secured to date

Thank you so much for offering this training and guiding me/our organization through this transition which I believe is proving to be very beneficial for the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce!

Eileen Dautrich
President, TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce

If you have ever thought about moving your chamber to TIERED DUES, now is definitely the time and with Kyle’s support it will be worth the effort. I won’t say it’s easy, nothing worthwhile ever is, but working with Kyle provides you the support you need to get it right. Kyle’s personalized approach allowed us to make the menu of tiered services very approachable and to fit our chamber programming and our businesses’ needs. I love having Kyle on my side to help me put aside my fears of making this big change. Every member I have already talked to told me they like the format, the concept and the added value that a tiered approach to membership investment provides.

Debbi Rydberg
Executive Director
Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce

Valerie Wilson, Petal, Mississippi


Ginny Glasner, Highland Park, Illinois


Brad Meier, Owatonna, Minnesota

Frequently Asked Questions

ChamberThink Blueprint starts as soon as you enroll with access to the Blueprint Mindset Training Videos. 

Our Build Day is Thursday, November 9th. And our Launch Planning Day is November 30th. 

EASTERN: Noon to 5pm

CENTRAL: 11am to 4pm

MOUNTAIN: 10am to 3pm

PACIFIC: 9am to 2pm

Then, on the second Tuesday of each month, we will meet for six months beginning in January for coaching calls. 

The ChamberThink Blueprint will give you the structure to eliminate any financial downside. Through safety nets, member migration schedules and targeting, we have eliminated the risk in converting. We will first build the Upside Overlay on top of your current membership structure, hold it in place for three years, and gradually unleash you from the constraints of your current model. 

You're not alone. Lots of Chambers have an annual sponsorship program. We start by building your ideal menu. Then we craft a plan to migrate your annual sponsors into the new value structure. Lastly, we implement a long-term plan to migrate the rest of your members.

This is NOT a price increase. We roll out a new menu without increasing anyone's prices. We focus on raising value at new pricing thresholds. If your current members want to stay with their current investment and benefits structure, they can. We don't endorse forcing members to make a change. 

No. This is an seven-month-long program with support and training access granted through June, 2022. In addition to your Build Day, you will also participate in Launch Planning Day, six months of coaching and lots of bonuses along the way. 

Yes. In all, you will have at least 24 hours of live access and coaching time with Kyle.

Our trainings will be entirely recorded and uploaded in convenient chapters. If you have to miss any or all of our time together, you can get caught up easily on your own schedule. 

We have received 72 total applications for ChamberThink Blueprint. Although not all of them will join our Fall cohort, you will have the ability to engage within your cohort via a private online community (not on Facebook). 

ChamberThink Blueprint is offered twice annually. You are encouraged to apply early so you have the most options available to you.

We understand the timing issues related to getting your board on board with improving your membership structure. If you need more time, share the resources from MembershipTiers.com with your board. 

Do you know what else is unbudgeted? The revenue that comes from unleashing your best value in a new menu. When an expenses has a return, it becomes an investment. This investment has a significant upside to your revenues. 

This is a self-funding endeavor. Some Chambers get their unbudgeted self-funding initiatives sponsored by a member or board member. That sponsorship then becomes your first upgrade under your new membership value structure. 

By following the ChamberThink Blueprint, you will generate more recurring revenue -- what Kyle calls Forevenue -- by driving more value for members at different pricing thresholds than you have offered before. Your sponsor will be enabling your Chamber to stand on stable financial footing under this plan. 

Your chamber deserves a better revenue model

Your organization deserves a better revenue model but consulting is expensive. 

Because it’s expensive, most chambers don’t have access to the resources that can help them grow.

But how quickly could your chamber grow if you and your team received the training and tools to build more value for members and drive more revenue for the chamber? 


Brought to you by Kyle Sexton

Trusted by hundreds of Chamber leaders just like you


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