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Is networking not working?

chamber of commerce Sep 20, 2019

Networking opportunities are one of the core functions of a chamber of commerce. This is according to a study by the Western Association of Chamber Executives where they asked a thousand businesses from across the country what they expect of their local chamber. 

The problem is, lots of other networking organizations have popped up as alternatives to the chamber. 

The chamber that offers networking without also teaching members how and why to connect with other business leaders -- probably ISN'T working as well as it could. I believe chambers have a responsibility to teach good networking skills to their members. 

There are three keys to effective business networking and if you work for a chamber I hope you'll teach these to your members.

  1. Be interested in others and how you can help them. 

  2. Be and interesting person to talk to and develop your conversational skills so that others want to recommend you to their friends and colleagues. 

  3. Accept that invitation from that person you vaguely know. After all, decisions get made by people who show up. 

So be interested, be interesting and accept the invitations.

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