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Make space

Uncategorized Nov 04, 2016

One of the worst things you can do at a trade show is set up one of those spinny wheels and give away prizes to unqualified prospects. A line will form in front of your booth, effectively blocking a real customer from getting anywhere near you.

If you're working a booth at a trade show, your goal is to interact with as many potential prospects as possible. You have a short amount of time to qualify them before you send them on their way to make room for another.

Marketing is a lot like life.

Look at the people in line to spend time with you... Those with whom you spend the most time besides your children. Do they fill you up? Do they support you? Help you?

Or do they remind you of all the things you don't love about the world? Maybe they drain you of your best energy by talking only about themselves? Or they're constantly looking behind you for someone more interesting, even while they ask you questions...

And who's line are you in?

There's space, ya know. There's room in your life for all kinds of things. And people.

But you don't feel that way right now. You don't feel like there's even room for yourself, much less someone else...

You feel depleted. Beaten down. Drained. Alone. I've been there. That was me. My tank was empty.

And it led to negative relationships. And as one relationship ended, another (even more) negative relationship would replace it.

I didn't trust myself anymore. I didn't believe in myself. I didn't think I deserved better. I didn't stretch myself. I stopped reaching.

Maybe it's the same for you. It leads to a negative work environment. Or stress with your parents or siblings. Maybe the empty tank is filled with drinking or something else.

This tough scenario is made worse when you have children who don't care how tough you have it. And they shouldn't have to care. But wouldn't it be nice if someone you cared so much about could fill your tank the way you try to fill the tanks of others?

When your tank is empty, you have nothing to give to those who depend on you... Your family, your coworkers, your true friends.

Not your kids. Not your loved ones. Not a soul.

But there is space where you make space.

Once you get rid of the spinny wheel that attracts only those in need of a food pellet, you make space for the folks who fill YOU up.

You can't fill anyone's tank when yours is empty.

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