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Jump for the Top of the Box

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2015

I was a basketball coach at Umpqua Community College and on the way home from a tournament, I asked one of our players a question.

"Brian, you jump out of the gym. I mean, you're six-one and get as high or higher than me at six-five. How do you make dunking the basketball look so easy?"

After the bashful Brian Blakely resisted answering for a bit, he leaned in and nearly whispered, "Well, if you really want to know, most people jump for the rim. I don't jump for the rim. I jump for the top of the box (about a foot higher) and when you jump for the top of the box you're surprised by how easy it is to get to the rim."

Say no to the plan. Say yes to something better and enjoy making the former plan look easy.

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