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Why isn't your community more thankful for you?

chamber of commerce Nov 25, 2019

  If I lived in your community, I would be so thankful for you. You are a champion for the business community. You're a catalyst for positive change. And you're a convener of leaders and influencers. 

You do the things that most people think "just happen." You grow businesses. You connect and mentor and lead and promote. 

But here's why I'm most grateful for you. Somewhere in your town, there's a little boy or little girl, who is growing up in a home where at least one parent has a job outside the home. And maybe that wasn't the case for that child not so long ago. 

Studies show that when a child grows up in a home where at least one parent has a job, the opportunities for that child are exponentially greater throughout their entire lifetime. 

You are standing on that proverbial fence, protecting jobs, enabling the creation of more jobs, and preserving the economic prosperity of your community. 

And to that little boy or girl, that doesn't mean nearly as much as having the means to celebrate the harvest that comes from the seeds you've been watering for years. 

But I don't live in your community -- and I'm still thankful for you. You share your valuable attention with me and allow me into your office to help you and your team with the lessons I've learned in my 24 years of membership. I appreciate your attention. 

And I have a gift for you today: I asked my writing team create an article that you can publish on your blog or send out by email or magazine or whatever. It's called Why Buy Local First. I hope you'll find time to share it on your blog or facebook for your community. 

And Happy Thanksgiving. 

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