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How can we get more done in the chamber?

chamber of commerce Sep 20, 2019

We have a lot to do at the chamber. Events, programs, committees and boards and... how do we get it all done? Well, maybe the answer is in the question. The question is "how do we get it all done?" 

The problem is maybe it was done a while ago and you haven't published it, released it or shipped it because you're waiting for it to be perfect. 

Perfect is the enemy of done. You're not going to get it all done if you're waiting for perfect. Let's put it this way: if you were drowning, you'd be waiting for a yacht instead of a log or a life raft. It just doesn't make sense but that's happening a lot. 

Here are three ways I focus on done instead of perfect: 

  1. Outsourcing. When you hire your team, you're outsourcing. But even your team can be outsourcing. Read the 4 hour work week and you'll be introduced to a million ways you can outsource and get more done. Do what you do best and outsource the rest. 

  2. Put it on the calendar with other people besides just yourself. Creating deadlines for yourself with accountability is a great method of getting things done. If it's not on the calendar, it's not going to get done. 

  3. Set goals for you and your team. Execs, reach out to one board member every single day by email or phone. Build that relationship. Membership folks, your goal is a membership every single day. Communications folks, write an article for your blog or shoot video to create helpful content every single day. 

If you're looking to outsource your content creation or get training on how to sell a membership a day, check out the Chamber Daily Planner included with Chamber People membership

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